The Sanguinarium[1][2][3] is a movement and subset of the real life vampire subculture which is an international network of businesses, orders and individuals who adhere to a specific set of traditions, philosophies and outlooks related to the vampire mythos and was founded in the mid 1990s by the Fangsmith and esoteric author Father Sebastiaan[4][5]
What differentiates the Sanguinarium from the rest of the vampire subculture is that it promotes a private and underground network of individuals including Black Swans and Strigoi Vii practitioners, instead of blood drinking and psychic vampirism which are more commonly known to the public. The Sanguinarium focused on "vampyre philosophy" and is not a role-playing, fan or literary group. Black Swans are those drawn to the philosophy, imagery and lifestyle, but do not necessarily practice vampirism. While Strigoi Vii practice an esoteric form of vampirism and form an inner circle known as the Ordo Strigoi Vii. Members of the Sanguinarium use the older spelling of vampire with a "y" as in vampyre. There are many orders and groups within the Sanguinarium movement overall embrace the positive aspects of the vampire archetype in what they call "vampyre virtues" or "Red Veils" such as mystery, sensuality, aesthetics, romance, performance art, absinthe, dance, transhumanism and immortality.
The Sanguinarium holds several major public international gatherings known annually which are known as the Endless Night Vampire Ball which take place in New Orleans every Halloween weekend and in Paris, France in April. Endless Nights is a mix a burlesque performance, masquerade ball and rock concert and celebrate the various vampyre virtues as practiced by members of the Sanguinarium.